Wine Industry Advisor,
Dezember 5 2016
Editor’s Note: O-I Packaging Solutions and Amorim Cork are one of the Wine Industry Network’s 2016 WINnovation Award winners for excellence in wine industry innovation.
There’s no denying the romance of opening a bottle of wine containing a cork. Peeling back the foil top, inserting the corkscrew, twisting, pulling and then hearing that satisfying pop as the cork comes loose, releasing the perfume of the wine’s aromatics with its promises of good things to come. Ah, yes.
But, there are also the stubborn corks that refuse to budge, and those that crumble or break during the struggle. Worse, there’s that ultimate, frustrating moment when you have the perfect bottle of wine in hand, but no opener in sight to access it, and you’re kicking yourself for not buying a screw cap version of your favorite beverage.
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PR Web,
Oktober 6 2016
Bronco Wine Company today announced that wines under its Red Truck® brand will feature the innovative Helix packaging, the world’s first cork stopper and glass bottle with easy-to-open and reclose technology. Helix was developed by Amorim and O-I, the world leaders in cork and glass packaging. Bronco’s Red Truck® will be the first US wine to bring this innovation to American wine consumers.
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März 18 2016
Medalla de Plata para 'Hello World Petit Verdot' 2015 en Mundus Vini
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Februar 17 2016
Januar 5 2016
Des vignerons testent le bouchon Hélix, lancé par Amorim et le verrier O-I en 2013 pour rivaliser avec la capsule à vis. Les résultats sont concluants.
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Juli 3 2015
Una presenza che dà lustro al vino italiano ed alla continua ricerca sui campi dell’innovazione e della sostenibilità che hanno fatto dell’azienda Castellani di Pontedera un punto di riferimento nel panorama vinicolo nazionale. Con il marchio di vini biologici ZioBaffa, infatti, l’azienda toscana sarà lo sponsor vino del padiglione americano (sicuramente tra i più gettonati al Festival) insieme a Coca Cola, Delta Airlines, Lenovo, New Yok Times Company, per citarne alcuni.
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objectif aquitaine la tribune ,
Juli 1 2015
Présenté pour la première fois il y a deux ans lors de la précédente édition de Vinexpo Bordeaux, le concept Helix de bouchon de liège dévissable et de bouteille incluant un goulot "pas de vis" adapté, développé en parallèle par le numéro 1 mondial du liège Amorim et le verrier américain OI, décide de passer à l’offensive en Bordelais... où il ne compte aucun client à ce jour.
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Juni 19 2015
En collaboration avec deux grands noms, Amorim et O-I
Le domaine viticole Guizard, fondé en 1580 et installé à Lavérune, relance sa cuvée Folie d’Oc, grâce à une collaboration inédite avec deux géants du service aux viticulteurs : Amorim, le leader mondial (portugais) des bouchons en liège, et O-I, l’un des acteurs internationaux majeurs (américain) de la bouteille en verre.
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Juni 19 2015
HELLO WORLD destaca como una gama de vinos jóvenes, frescos y con ganas de comerse el mundo, una apuesta por la innovación que comienza a cosechar reconocimientos
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Infopack ,
Juni 18 2015
Owens-Illinois (OI), uno de los mayores fabricantes del mundo de envases de vidrio, junto con Amorim, referencia en la fabricación de tapones de corcho, presentaron recientemente el primer vino español que utiliza el sistema Helix. Se trata de la nueva gama de vinos de la bodega conquense Finca La Estacada.
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Juni 18 2015
Finca La Estacada comercializará bajo la marca Hello World una serie de vinos dirigidos para un público que se está iniciando en este sector, aunque también encaja en los gustos de los aficionados más tradicionales.
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Dezember 15 2014
Le leader mondial de l'emballage en verre, l'américain Owens-Illinois, et le leader mondial du liège, le portugais Amorim, ont inventé une bouteille avec un bouchon en liège qu'on peut ôter à la main, sans tire-bouchon.
Tout le monde a déjà cherché un tire-bouchon. Plus besoin désormais de cet appareil pour ouvrir une bouteille, car le bouchon peut s'enlever d'un simple tour de vis. Du moins si la bouteille est équipée du goulot strié et du bouchon à rayures, un sytème mis au point par Owens-Illinois, leader mondial de l'emballage en verre, et Amorim, leader mondial du liège. Au bout de quatre années de recherches, qui ont nécessité 4 millions d'euros d'investissements, trois brevets ont été déposés pour l'innovation, baptisée Hélix.
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Dezember 15 2014
Le groupe Val d'Orbieu-Uccoar innove pour sa Cuvée Mythique. Il est le premier opérateur français à faire le choix du bouchage liège à vis Helix pour cette cuvée emblématique. Début des ventes cette semaine sur le marché néerlandais.
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Dezember 15 2014
Le géant du conditionnement O-I rentre en phase d’industrialisation d’Helix, une bouteille révolutionnaire, à pas de vis interne et bouchon ergonomique. L’usine de verrerie de Béziers a été choisie pour la fabrication du modèle bordelais. Le premier client est Val d’Orbieu-Uccoar (274 M€ de CA), avec 35 000 bouteilles déployées sur le marché néerlandais.
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Emballage Digest,
Juli 25 2013
Pour contrer la capsule à vis qui prend de plus en plus de parts de marché, le bouchon en liège réagit avec Amorin et le verrier O-I. Ensemble, ils proposent une solution qui mise sur le matériau mais plus encore sur la praticité.
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Juni 30 2013
At Vinexpo, recently held in Bordeaux, Amorim launched a new way to seal a wine bottle called Helix Concept.
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Juni 30 2013
La corchera lusa Amorim, asociada con el fabricante de vidrio O-I han lanzado al mercado una innovadora solución de envase y cierre de vino.
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Juni 21 2013
Leading cork producer Amorim and container glass giant Owens-Illinois (O-I) have launched Helix, a twist open/close cork and glass closure solution that targets the popular premium, fast turnaround still wine segment.
A direct response to the continued advance of metal screwcap closure systems for wine bottles, Helix is the result of a four-year partnership between Amorim and O-I.
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Juni 21 2013
The days of screw tops, boxes, and drinking an entire 1.5L of Gallo in because you broke the cork again are coming to an end. After four years of research, Portuguese cork producer Amorim and US glass container manufacturer O-I have united nations of winos forever with the HELIX.
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Juni 21 2013
Taken from the BBC English article by Tom de Castella and translated onto the BBC Ukraine website.,
Juni 20 2013
Who remembers drinking wine with pieces of broken up cork in it. Opening bottles of wine is a task and sometimes it can turn into a bottle-of-wine-ruining disaster. Well that will hopefully not happen anymore with the creation of the Helix Cork.
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Juni 20 2013
Owens-Illinois (O-I) has joined forces with Amorim, a producer of cork stoppers, to develop HELIX: A cork-glass wine packaging solution.
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Juni 19 2013
Dans une ambiance affairée, s’est ouvert Vinexpo. Deux innovations sont à retenir pour les vignerons : Helix, un nouveau mode de bouchage mis au point par Amorim et OI ; Integrapes©, un co-adjuvant œnologique et naturel permettant de produire des vins sans sulfites ajoutés.
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Juni 19 2013
Dans une ambiance affairée, s’est ouvert Vinexpo. Deux innovations sont à retenir pour les vignerons : Helix, un nouveau mode de bouchage mis au point par Amorim et OI ; Integrapes©, un co-adjuvant œnologique et naturel permettant de produire des vins sans sulfites ajoutés.
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Juni 19 2013
À l’occasion du salon Vinexpo qui se tient actuellement à Bordeaux, les société Amorim et O-I ont dévoilé Helix, un nouveau mode de bouchage innovant, fruit d’un partenriat entamé il y a 4 ans. Grâce à Helix, les amateurs de vins n’auront plus besoin de tire-bouchon car ce système permet de déboucher et reboucher à la main une bouteille de vin.
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Juni 19 2013
Si les bouchons de liège sont utilisés pour sceller nos meilleures bouteilles de vin, l’utilisation de ce matériau est aujourd’hui très contrôlée, laissant place à des bouchons artificiels, voire même en plastique. Des chercheurs ont mis au point un bouchon, en liège synthétique, repositionnable à volonté.
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Juni 19 2013
Il rendra peut-être le tire-bouchon inutile. Le concept inédit de bouchage des vins Helix vient d'être dévoilé au Salon Vinexpo, à Bordeaux, par ses deux inventeurs : Amorim, le numéro un mondial du bouchon de liège, et Owens-Illinois (OI), premier fabricant d'emballages en verre. Un mariage de raison dicté par la concurrence. Car le premier, qui vend près de 4 milliards de bouchons par an, commence à être concurrencé par ceux en plastique et, surtout, par les capsules à vis. Le second n'aime guère les contenants qui ne sont pas en verre, comme la canette, et surtout le « bag-in-box » de plus en plus populaire chez les cavistes. Les deux entreprises se sont aperçues, il y a quelques années, qu'elles travaillaient sur des projets proches et ont donc décidé d'associer leurs efforts pour lancer cette solution innovante, protégée par trois brevets, qui a mobilisé 5 millions d'euros sur quatre ans. Toute la difficulté était d'assurer un bouchage efficace, même bouteille couchée, tout en permettant une ouverture aisée et en garantissant la qualité du vin. Côté matériau, Amorim a utilisé l'un de ses produits phares, le Neutrocork, fabriqué en particules de liège naturel et déjà produit à 800 millions d'unités par an.
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Juni 19 2013
Présentée à Vinexpo, cette innovation imaginée par deux industriels permet d'ouvrir les bouteilles de vin sans tire-bouchon tout en gardant les qualités spécifiques du liège.
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Juni 19 2013
Giant of the cork production world, Portugal's Amorim, have unveiled what they are describing as an "innovative wine packaging solution."
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Juni 19 2013
An interesting hybrid, with a twist, has arrived in the world of wine bottle enclosures and it’s quite genius. The Helix “twist to open” system is not only ergonomically designed but integrates the design in the cork and bottle, allowing you to open a cork, with a twist.
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Juni 19 2013
Amorim and O-I (Owens-Illinois) have announced the European launch of a new cork-glass wine packaging solution for the popular premium and fast-turnaround still wine market.
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Juni 19 2013
For many people the wine cork has been the bane to fine dining and gracious living. The challenge is to get the corkscrew in just right and pulling it out without spilling anything. Worse yet is when the cork starts to break apart and you end up with bits of it in your favorite red. You could go with a wine that has a twist off cap, but that just never seems quite . . . civilized. You may no longer need to make such an agonizing choice.
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Juni 19 2013
An innovative new cork which screws into its wine bottle has been dubbed “the most sensible reformulation of packaging ever” by the companies behind it.
The resealable Helix cork has slashes down its sides which allow it to screw into a glass wine bottle with a similar thread on the inside.
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Juni 19 2013
After four years of intense research, a twist-off wine cork has finally been invented by the folks over at cork manufacturer Amorim and bottle-maker O-I. The invention is a long time coming and something every lush can relate to.
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Juni 19 2013
Unable to extract copy of article due to copyright inhibitors.,
Juni 19 2013
Tom Cannavan of demonstrates the Helix bottle closure, a new threaded cork that comes out and goes back into the wine bottle without a corkscrew.,
Juni 19 2013
Twist-off wine cork may make corkscrews obsolete.
A four-year research project has developed a twist-off wine cork that is ergonomically designed and easy to use.,
Juni 18 2013
Helix est un bouchon en liège (microgranulés agglomérés) que l’on peut enlever et remettre à volonté.
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Bourgogne live,
Juni 18 2013
Plus besoin de tire-bouchon ? La méthode du Twist and Pop d’Helix.
Lundi 17 juin à Vinexpo, l’américain OI (pour Owens Illinois), leader mondial des emballages alimentaires en verre, et le portugais Amorim, numéro un des bouchons en liège, ont dévoilé Helix, le fruit de quatre années d’un travail commun. Ce concept inédit associe en effet « un bouchon de liège rainuré avec une bouteille en verre au goulot fileté » permettant de déboucher et de reboucher facilement une bouteille de vin tout en gardant le fameux « Pop » auquel la plupart des amateurs tient.,
Juni 18 2013
« Il a fallu quatre ans de recherche et de test dans le plus grand secret pour mettre au point Helix : la bouteille au goulot fileté, dont les stries impriment un pas de vis à un bouchon de liège aggloméré au moment de la mise en bouteille. Le bouchon peut ainsi être dévissé et revissé sans effort. Cette innovation résulte des efforts conjoints de deux géants du conditionnement : le bouchonnier Amorim et le verrier Owen Illinois (OI), qui ont investi dans l'opération une partie de leur budget R&D, de l'ordre de 5 à 6 millions d'euros par an. »
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Juni 18 2013
Helix est un bouchon en liège (microgranulés agglomérés) que l’on peut enlever et remettre à volonté.
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Juni 18 2013
La firme américaine O-I, leader mondial de l’eallage en verre, vient de s’associer avec la société portugaise Amorim, spécialisée dans le bouchon en liège, pour créer Helix.
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Juni 18 2013
Helix is an innovative cork-glass wine packaging solution for the popular premium, fast turnaround still wine segment.
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Juni 18 2013
Buying a regular screw-top wine bottle can mean a number of things in some circles: 1) you have no appreciation of good wine; 2) you are cheap; 3) you are an efficient drinker (read: alcoholic). Overplayed (and possibly inaccurate) stereotypes aside, there’s a stigma to metal screw-tops that’s only redeemed by the typically lower cost of the wine they contain.
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Juni 18 2013
The days of pushing corks in with spoons, gently tapping bottles on walls wrapped or simply smashing the neck to desperately glug the alcoholic grape nectar within may be over.
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Juni 18 2013
It’s a busy week for wine. The Grocer reported this weekend that retailers are ramping up their stock of Romanian wines, hoping that UK consumers will be wooed by the “phenomenal value for money” offered by Eastern European plonk. Elsewhere, Majestic Wine reported that its full-year profits were helped by online sales and fine wines.
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Juni 18 2013
Launched at Vinexpo, the Helix cork stopper can be opened without a cork screw in a design aiming to combine the premium image of cork with the convenience factor claimed by screw cap manufacturers.
The product represents the culmination of four years’ work between the two companies, who have invested a combined sum of around €5 million in its development during this period.
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Juni 18 2013
Two global wine packaging specialists, Amorim and O-I, have announced the launch of Helix, a cork-glass wine packaging innovation for the popular premium, fast turnaround still wine segment.
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Juni 18 2013
What could be nicer than a picnic in a pleasant country field, a rotisserie chicken, a loaf of oven-hot bread and a nice bottle of wine? That is, provided you don't forget the corkscrew. This week, Amorim, the world’s largest manufacturer of cork stoppers, and O-I, the world's largest glass container manufacturer, made this nightmare scenario a little less likely by unveiling their Helix cork and bottle that are designed so that the cork can be removed with a simple twist of the wrist.
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Juni 18 2013
A re-sealable twist on the wine cork has been released after the world’s largest cork producer teamed up with the world’s largest glass container manufacturer to create an industry “game-changer”.
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Juni 18 2013
Portuguese cork manufacturer Amorim and Owens-Illinois Glass Company have teamed up to produce a brand-new wine drinking experience: the twisty cork! It has all the grippability of a champagne cork, but with an eye-pleasing (and functional) helix twist.
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Juni 18 2013
Portugals’ main export to the world is cork, and Corticeira Amorim is the world leader company in cork products. Using its expertise Corticeira Amorim joined forces with the American company Owens Illinois, world’s largest glass bottle producer and created a unique bottle and a unique cork, which will be revealed in this year’s Vinexpo, world largest wine fair.
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Juni 18 2013
Even though everyone who is anyone in the wine world is busy at VinExpo in Bordeaux this week, there's still been quite an online hubbub over the last couple of days following the unveiling of new wine closure Helix yesterday morning.
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Juni 18 2013
The article has been taken in full, from’s article, and translated into Spanish.
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Juni 17 2013
Amorim, a Portugal-based manufacturer of cork stoppers, and glass container manufacturer Owens-Illinois (O-I) have launched HELIX, a cork-glass wine packaging solution for still wine segment, in Europe.
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Juni 17 2013
The Helix twistable cork has been developed by Portuguese cork stopper producer Amorim, which has worked with US wine packaging company O-I for four years on the project.
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Juni 17 2013
HELIX, the cork & glass solution with an 'unexpected twist'
The two global leaders in wine packaging, Amorim and O-I, today announced at Vinexpo the launch of HELIX, an innovative cork-glass wine packaging solution for the popular premium, fast turnaround still wine segment.
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Juni 17 2013
Both firms have labelled their new product a “breakthrough innovation” because consumers can open its wine bottle without the need for a corkscrew. The Helix cork and accompanying bottle have a thread finish to allow drinkers to twist the stopper open and closed again, creating an airtight barrier.
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La Vigne,
Juni 17 2013
Le bouchonnier Amorim et le verrier O-I ont présenté un nouveau système de bouchage à l’occasion du Vinexpo. Hélix, c’est son nom, consiste à insérer un bouchon en liège aggloméré dans un pas de vis formé dans le goulot de la bouteille. Il vise les vins vendus entre 5 et 10 euros.
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Juni 17 2013
The Portuguese leading cork producer, Amorim has announced today the release of a new screw-cork named Helix, an innovative cork-glass wine packaging solution for the popular premium, fast turnaround still wine segment in collaboration with the American company, Owens Illinois, another leader in glass packaging wine packaging, writes Subhash Arora
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Juni 17 2013
Amorim and O-I, two global leaders in wine packaging, have unveiled a new ‘twist-to-open’ cork stopper and bottle, called Helix.
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Juni 17 2013
Portuguese cork producer Amorim has teamed up with US-headquartered O-I to launch a screw-top cork packaging concept for the wine industry.
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Juni 17 2013
The two global leaders in wine packaging, Amorim and O-I, announced today at Vinexpo the launch of Helix, an innovative cork-glass wine packaging solution for the popular premium, fast turnaround still wine segment.
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Juni 17 2013
One of the biggest boons to the wine industry has been that once the cork came out, there was no putting it back in, forcing wine drinkers to either drink the whole bottle in one sitting or get creative and find something else to stop up the bottle.Thanks to a recent invention, corkscrews may soon be a thing of the past. No longer will we need a separate kitchen utensil to break into our beverage or jerry-rig a way to stop up the bottle.
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Juni 17 2013
Just when you thought that mankind's genius could go no further, four years of research has given birth to a new apex in cork innovation. Please say hello to your newest wine-stopper, the Helix cork.
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Juni 17 2013
Metal screw caps have made significant inroads into the wine industry over the last decade or so.
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Juni 17 2013
The much-loved original wine cork could be set for a return to the mass market with the launch of a twistable and re-sealable version that could do away with the corkscrew.
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Juni 17 2013
The much-loved original wine cork could be set for a return to the mass market with the launch of a twistable and resealable version that could do away with the corkscrew.
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Juni 17 2013
Amorim et O-I se sont associés pour développer une solution pratique destinée aux vins "popular premium".
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Juni 17 2013
The Helix cork and bottle has a thread finish, which allows drinkers to twist the stopper open and closed again, creating on airtight barrier.
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Juni 17 2013
The wine cork could be set for a return to the mass market with the launch of a re-sealable one.
The Helix cork and its bottle have a thread finish so drinkers can twist the stopper open and closed again, creating an airtight barrier. It will be unveiled at an international wine fair in Bordeaux today.,
Juni 17 2013
The wine cork could be set for a return to the mass market with the launch of a twistable and re-sealable version that could do away with the corkscrew.
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Juni 17 2013
A wine cork that twists off and is re-sealable is being launched in France today. The Helix gadget appeals to wine lovers who prefer cork to plastic stoppers.
Juni 17 2013
A Vinexpo, Amorim et O-I ont présenté hier Helix, une solution innovante alliant bouteille en verre et bouchon en liège. Dédiée aux vins tranquilles à rotation rapide et au segment «popular premium», elle permet le bouchage et rebouchage des vins pour offrir une plus grande facilité d’utilisation.
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Juni 17 2013
ITtS long been a point of debate among wine buffs and even the most casual of drinkers: which produces the better bottle of wine, the cork or the screw top? Well, the much-loved original cork could be set for a return to the mass market in the form of a twistable and re-sealable version that could do away with the corkscrew.
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Juni 17 2013
Wine buffs often argue over which is better, cork or screw top. Now a new bottle top combines the two.
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Juni 17 2013
Twist or push: The Helix cork
You want to be a hit at that dinner party so splash out on a flash bottle of plonk. When the evening arrives you uncork your prize, raise a glass and… spit out a mouthful of cork.
Well, no more -a twistable, re-sealable version of the original wine cork could be the answer to your problems. The Helix cork and bottle has a thread finish that allows drink...
Juni 17 2013
Présentée à Vinexpo, cette innovation imaginée par deux industriels permet d'ouvrir les bouteilles de vin sans tire-bouchon tout en gardant les qualités spécifiques du liège.
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Juni 17 2013
Cosa succede quando la più grande azienda produttrice di sughero del mondo (Amorim) e il primo produttore in Europa di contenitori e bottiglie di vetro (O-I) uniscono le forze? Succede, ad esempio, che dopo quattro anni di studi, tre brevetti e un numero infinito di test condotti sul campo, veda la luce una soluzione di packaging come non ne erano mai state concepite prima, capace di ritagliarsi un ruolo da protagonista assoluto nel mondo del vino.
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Juni 17 2013
We've all been there. Sat on a picnic blanket, sun shining, friends by your side, food at the ready and a few bottles of wine waiting to be glugged.
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Juni 17 2013
The corkscrew's days could be numbered as the launch of the Helix threaded cork at the International VinExpo in Bordeaux puts a new twist on the traditional stopper.
Juni 17 2013
CORKS for wine bottles could be set for a return with the launch of a twistable version that re-seals - with no need for a corkscrew.
The Helix cork and its special bottle have a thread to allow tipplers to twist the stopper out and back in, creating an airtight barrier.
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Juni 17 2013
Our senses are highly interconnected. Something that is pleasurable to one sense becomes associated with pleasure to another. Beautiful food tastes better and diners who like the background music enjoy the flavours more. Crisp makers pack their nibbles in crinkly bags because we subconsciously associate the sound with freshness and crunchiness. Crisps that don’t crunch when you bite them simply do not taste as good.
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Juni 17 2013
The much-loved original wine cork could be set for a return to the mass market with the launch of a twistable and re-sealable version that could do away with the corkscrew.
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Juni 17 2013
Pour véhiculer, préserver et commercialiser les vins, y compris les plus fins, des vignerons, œnologues et amateurs avertis préconisent la capsule métallique vissée. D'autres, pour les vins de moyenne garde, se prononcent pour les bouchons synthétiques. Bref, le liège est pris en tenaille, sauf pour les grands vins de longue garde… Une société du Portugal, l'un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de liège, a trouvé une solution originale : le flacon et le bouchon à pas de vis. Avantage : ouverture aisée, plus besoin de reboucheur-stoppeur (pour préserver le reste du contenu). Désavantage : sans doute un prix plus élevé, si cette solution ne se généralise pas assez vite.
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Juni 17 2013
Finally, wine lovers will be interested to hear about the invention of a cork that does not need a corkscrew.
According to the Times, it is called the Helix cork - and it has a thread finish that drinkers can twist in and out of the neck of the bottle.
Its creators, a Portuguese cork manufacturer and American bottle maker, hope it will revive the popularity of corks which they believe drinkers have always preferred.
The Mail says the companies claim that wine stored with a Helix cork tastes no different to a classic bottle, and important factors used by critics to judge wine - such as colour and smell - are also unaffected.,
Juni 17 2013
A new wine cork that screws into the bottle is being unveiled. But why is there still so much snobbery in the battle between traditional cork and screw-top?
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Juni 17 2013
The much-loved original wine cork could be set for a return to the mass market with the launch of a twistable and re-sealable version that could do away with the corkscrew.
The Helix cork and accompanying bottle have a thread finish to allow drinkers to twist the stopper open and closed again, creating an airtight barrier.
It will be unveiled at the International VinExpo wine fair in Bordeaux, and its makers say it could be on shop shelves in Europe within the next 24 months.
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Juni 17 2013
Cork manufacturer Amorim has got together with O-I, the world’s biggest glass company, to create what they call 'a new generation' of stoppers. Helix is a grooved agglomerated cork stopper, which fits into specially-cast bottle ...
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Juni 17 2013
The vintage way to seal wine bottles may be making a comeback with the development of a cork that does not need a corkscrew.
Cork, taken from the bark of a species of oak, was long the only material used by the wine trade, but when it began to be blamed for “cork taint”, winemakers looked for alternatives.
Plastic stoppers were developed but the screw top, which was adopted by New World vineyards then many others except the most exclusive, became the most popular choice. There is no taint and, if need be, a bottle can easily be resealed.,
Juni 17 2013
THE wine cork could be set for a return to the mass market with the launch of a resealable version.
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Juni 17 2013
New twisty cork and bottle to keep wine fresh to hit markets
Has a screw thread that drinkers can twist in and out of the bottle
Producers say the Helix is soon to hit the shelves on the UK market
If your enjoyment of a good Shiraz or Chardonnay has ever been delayed by having to hunt through the kitchen drawers for a corkscrew, help is at hand.
A new invention combines the tradition of a cork stopper with the convenience of a screw cap, meaning summer picnics and romantic dinners could be just a little bit simpler from now on.
The Helix is an old-fashioned cork stopper – but it has a screw thread that drinkers can twist in and out of the neck of the bottle.
It comes with a bottle which has a matching thread, so it can be tightly resealed to keep the contents fresh.
The innovative design is the result of a joint effort by Amorim, the world’s largest wine cork manufacturer, and O-I, the biggest global maker of glass containers.
They are optimistic that it could be seen on shelves soon.
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Juni 17 2013
The Helix is an old-fashioned cork stopper 23:01 GMT, 16 June 2013 23:01 GMT, 16 June 2013 But if the Helix proves successful, it could make a traditional cork The companies claim wine stored in the Helix tastes no different to a classic bottle ’Unlike other devices designed to keep wine fresh once it has been opened, the Helix cork can also be used for champagne, resealing it so well that a partially empty bottle will still produce a satisfying pop when it is opened.
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Juni 17 2013
Cork manufacturer Amorim has got together with O-I, the world’s biggest glass company, to create what they call 'a new generation' of stoppers.
Helix is a grooved agglomerated cork stopper, which fits into specially-cast bottle with a matching thread in is neck.
‘It offers user-friendly “twist and pour – twist and close” opening and resealing, alongside all the premium image and proven performance of natural cork and glass,’ the companies say.
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Juni 17 2013
You want to be a hit at that dinner party so splash out on a flash bottle of plonk.
When the evening arrives you uncork your prize, raise a glass and… spit out a mouthful of cork.
Well, no more – a twistable, re-sealable version of the original wine cork could be the answer to your problems.
It was unveiled at the International VinExpo wine fair in Bordeaux today, could be on shelves within two years.
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Juni 17 2013
The much-loved original wine cork could be set for a return to the mass market with the launch of a twistable and re-sealable version that could do away with the corkscrew.
The Helix cork and accompanying bottle have a thread finish to allow drinkers to twist the stopper open and closed again, creating an airtight barrier.
It will be unveiled at the International VinExpo wine fair in Bordeaux, and its makers say it could be on shop shelves in Europe within the next 24 months.
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Juni 17 2013
Al'occasion dc Vinexpo Bordeaux (du 16 au 20 juin), le groupe portugais Amorim, leader mondial du liège, doit dévoiler un concept innovant pour le conditionnement des vins, lundi 17 juin, dans les salons de l’hôtel Pullman. Antonio Amorim, PDG du groupe, et Erik Bouts, président Europe d’O-I, leader mondial du packaging en verre (une usine à Vayres - 33), présenteront Helix, système permettant le débouchage et rebouchage sans tire-bouchon... une capsule revisitée ? -,
Juni 16 2013
The much-loved original wine cork could be set for a return to the mass market with the launch of a twistable and resealable version that could do away with the corkscrew.
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Juni 16 2013
Le salon des professionnels du vin et des spiritueux vient d'ouvrir ses portes à Bordeaux. Les accés aux parkings du parc expo sont déjà encombrées, les stands finissent d'être montés et les allées résonnent de nouveau de l'euphorie d'une filière en soif d'affaires. Dans l'attente de l'inauguration officielle qui marquera le début de l'édition 2013, les visiteurs jasent déjà sur les panneaux qui annoncent un "twist inattendu", les fournisseurs Amorim et OI présentant demain un emballage révolutionnaire, helix : un bouchon en liège se vissant sur sa bouteille en verre (pour en savoir cliquer ici).
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